The DEJAPAN Renewal Festival
We’re so excited to announce the launch of our new and improved site, going live on August 1st, 2023! To celebrate, we’re running an entire MONTH of special promotions, called the DEJAPAN Renewal Festival!
Don’t miss out on your chance to win great prizes and DEJ points! Read on to get all the details on each promotion!
Monthly Twitter Raffle Double Chance Event
Campaign Period: August 1st, 2023 at 00:00 JST to September 30th, 2023 at 23:59 JST

To kick off our month of promotion madness, we’re making our Monthly Twitter Raffle even better! Your chances of winning 3,000 DEJ points are now DOUBLED!
Instead of choosing 3 winners a month like we usually do, we’ll be choosing 6 winners a month for both August AND September!
If you aren’t already familiar with our Twitter raffle, all you need to do is tweet a photo of an item you’ve gotten through DEJAPAN, and tag it with our Twitter handle (@DEJAPAN_Global) ! Once we reply or quote retweet it, you’re officially entered to win!
Entries for each month go from the first of the month at 00:00 JST to the last of the month at 23:59 JST. If your entry doesn’t win, you can use it again the next month, or choose a new item!
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Collector’s Edition Giveaway
Campaign Period: August 2nd, 2023 at 00:00 JST to August 22nd, 2023 at 23:59 JST

We’re giving ONE lucky winner the Collector’s Edition of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom!
To enter the drawing, all you need to do is follow our Twitter account (@DEJAPAN_Global), and retweet the event Tweet. That’s it!
The winner will be announced on August 23rd at 12:00 JST, so keep an eye out for our announcement! Also, make sure your account isn’t set to private, and that your DMs are open so that we can contact you if you’re the winner!
Good luck!
Pokemon TCG Yu Nagaba Promo Card Giveaway
Campaign Period: August 3rd, 2023 at 00:00 JST to August 16th, 2023 at 23:59 JST

Did you miss out on your chance to get one of the Yu Nagaba Promotional Pokemon cards? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! We have 10 sealed cards to give away, and you could win!
During the campaing period, every URL for a Pokemon trading card listing costing 3,000 JPY or more counts as 1 entry! *Please note that Yahoo! Auctions listings are NOT eligible for this promotion.
In order to enter this giveaway, you’ll need to do the following:
- Enter the promo code “NAGABA23” in the comments section of your order.
- Order a Pokemon trading card costing at least 3,000 JPY!
Here’s a visual explanation, just in case:

On August 17th, we’ll draw 10 random entries to win 1 promo card each. This means you could win more than one!
DEJ Pointback Campaign
Campaign Period: August 9th, 2023 at 00:00 JST to August 15th, 2023 at 23:59 JST

The more you spend, the more you earn! We’re running our first official Pointback Campaign, starting on August 9th, 2023!
In order to be eligible for this campaign, you MUST enter via the Campaign Entry Page BEFORE making any orders! If you don’t enter, you won’t earn any DEJ points!
Once you’ve entered, you’ll get a percentage of your total 1st payment spending back in the form of DEJ Points for all orders submitted during the campaign period!
Here’s a breakdown of what you can earn:
Total 1st Payment Spending | % of Points Earned |
100,000 JPY or more | 2.0% |
50,000 JPY ~ 99,999 JPY | 1.5% |
20,000 JPY ~ 49,999 JPY | 1.0% |
10,000 JPY ~ 19,999 JPY | 0.5% |
Up to 9,999 JPY | 0% |
Get those shopping fingers ready!
*Please note it may take up to 3 business days for the points to be reflected on your DEJ Account. The points will be added in bulk all at once, rather than separately for each order.
Feedback Questionnaire
Submission Period: August 1st, 2023 at 00:00 JST to August 31st, 2023 at 23:59 JST

Last but not least, we want to hear from you! What do you think about our new and improved site? What do you like? What would you change? We want to hear it all!
We’re running a Feedback Questionnaire for the whole month of August, giving you some time to test out the new site and get used to it. Out of everyone who submits the questionnaire, 100 people will be chosen at random to receive 200 DEJ points each!
We want to make the site the best site it can be, and to do that, we need your help. So be sure to fill out the Feedback Questionnaire!
We hope you’ll enjoy celebrating the DEJAPAN Renewal Festival all month long with us!
If you have any questions about the new site or any of the promotions mentioned here, don’t hesitate to email us at, leave a comment below, or DM us on Twitter or Facebook! We’ll be happy to help!